Arthur Barber Hawkins
Board Member
Arthur Lee Barber Hawkins is a life member and Executive Committee member of the Gulfport Branch NAACP, Red Hatters (Sassy Sisters), the Trustee Board of Greater Mount Olive Baptist Church, WIA (Mission), Beautification and Kitchen Committees of the church and a member of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Black Nurses Association. She is Co-Director of Medical Programs for the Education, Economics, Environmental Climate and Health Organization. EEECHO is a coalition of diverse, consensus-based group of educational, economics, health, environmental justice, climate justice, religious, and policy advocates and professionals that represent the interest of building better communities. Mrs. Barber-Hawkins is a retired L.P.N., formerly employed by the University Medical Center – Blair E. Batson Children’s Hospital in Jackson, Mississippi for thirty years. She is a former member of the United States Army Reserve – Serving eight years and the Mississippi Army National Guard – also serving eight years